Multivitamin Plant's botanical name is Sauropus androgynus. It has numerous health-promoting elements. As a result, it is known as the Multivitamin Plant. In South Asia, Southeast Asia, and China, it is one of the most widely used herbs. The plant is also known as Thavasi Keerai Plant and Chakramuni Plant.
Thavasi Keerai is a medicinal herb plant that is grown.It can be used to treat vitamin insufficiency directly. Except for vitamin D, all vitamins are present in the leaves of this plant.It's a bush tree with a lot of leaves.It is a resilient plant that can thrive in a variety of climates and soil types.The Multivitamin plant can be cultivated in full sun to part shade in average, medium moisture, well-drained soil.You can place the Multivitamin plant in your balcony Garden.Sunlight
Your Thavasi Keerai Plant requires lots of bright, sunlight as it is common with plans like these. While your Thavasi Keerai will thrive in a slightly shaded position, the full sun produces a larger and more profuse bloom.Your Chakramuni plant requires at least 5 to 6 hours of direct sunshine each day, since the more shadow they receive, the fewer blooms they produce.Watering
Every time you water your Chakramuni Plant, leave the sprinklers on long enough to wet the soil to a depth of 6 to 8 inches.Because of their thin root system, your Thavasi Keerai plant would require frequent watering. Make sure the soil is adequately drained since wet soil can lead to root rot and yellowed leaves.In warmer weather, your Chakramuni plant would require more regular watering as potentially every day if placed in a container.Soil
Your exotic plant will thrive in moist, well-drained soil.If the soil in your pot doesn't drain well, fill it with rocks, perlite, sand, or another type of growing medium. If your plant's leaves become brittle and yellow, it isn't getting enough water. Black coloured tips indicate too much water.A mix of coarse sand, orchid bark, or perlite in a standard well-draining houseplant soil would suffice. To avoid root rot, it is necessary to have proper drainage.Fertilizer
A fertiliser isn't truly necessary for your plant. However, if necessary, feed it a houseplant fertiliser diluted to half strength. Once or twice a month.Toxicity
Multivitamins Plants are non-toxic and will not affect your pets or children, though if consumed in large quantities, they may induce stomach trouble.Additional Care
Aphids, thrips, mites, caterpillars, and budworms, as well as powdery mildew, may negatively impact your exotic plant so keep them out of reach.Troubleshooting
The leaves are fading in colour, which could indicate that it isn't getting enough sunshine. Place your plant near a sunny window or in a steamy bathroom with lots of sunlight.Do you have a dying plant? This may be due to Plant's inability to withstand cold temperatures. It will thrive if you place it near sunshine.
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